27 septembre 1989, Russie, Voronezh
Le premier rapport de la vague de Voronezh est apparu dans le journal soviétique Kommuna. Cet incident particulier a eu lieu à un parc dans la ville durant un match de football. Les témoins comprenaient, a-t-on dit, de nombreux adolescents et également plus de quarante adultes. Ils ont décrit avoir vu une lumière rose ou rouge qui s’est transformée en sphère foncée. La sphère a fait des cercles au-dessus d’un secteur du parc à une très basse altitude (approximativement trente à quarante pieds au-dessus de la terre) est s’est alors envolée au loin. Après quelques moments a peine, elle a réapparu et a encore plané au-dessus du parc. A ce moment, une porte s’est ouverte au fond de l’engin, un être a pu être vu en train de regarder dehors, examinant un groupe de témoins étonnés. La porte s’est fermée et l’engin est descendu et a alors atterri. En faisant cela il a heurté un grand peuplier. L’arbre a été plié vers un côté et resté dans cette position.
L’agence Tass publie alors le communiqué suivant, qui sera lu dans les pays de l’Ouest:
Un OVNI aurait atterri dans un parc de Voronej
Voronej, 9 octobre. TASS. Les spécialistes ont confirmé qu’un OVNI avait effectivement atterri dans un parc de Voronej. Selon leur dire, ils auraient découvert, sur le lieu de son atterrissage, des traces de l’engin et de ses occupants, qui auraient même fait une petite promenade dans le parc.
D’après des témoins, il y aurait eu ces derniers jours au moins trois visites d’extraterrestres. Une énorme boule ou un disque lumineux arrivait au-dessus du parc, puis il descendait à terre et laissait sortir par un passage deux ou trois extraterrestres de 3 a 4 mètres de taille, à la tête minuscule, ainsi qu’un petit robot. Pendant un certain temps, les extraterrestres tournaient autour de la boule, avant de rentrer dedans, suite à quoi l’appareil décollait sans bruit et disparaissait en un clin d’oeil. La peur s’emparait des témoins et durait plusieurs jours.
« Pour localiser le lieu d’atterrissage, nous avons eu recours à la technique du magnétisme biologique », a indiqué le chef du laboratoire de l’expédition envoyée dans le parc, Guenrikh Silanov. « C’est une aire circulaire de 20 mètres de diamètre. Quatre enfoncements de 4 a 5 centimètres de profondeur et de 14 à 16 centimètres de diamètre y sont bien visibles. Ils forment un losange. Nous avons aussi prélevé deux échantillons du sol mystérieux. Au premier abord, ils ressemblent à du grès rouge foncé. Cependant, après analyse minéralogique, nous avons établi qu’il s’agissait d’une roche qui n’a pas d’équivalent sur terre. Pour donner une conclusion plus précise, il faudrait procéder à des études supplémentaires plus complexes. »
Le 10 octobre 1989, l’agence TASS ajoute :
Moscou, 10 octobre. TASS. Le quotidien Sovetskaya Koullaura a publié aujourd’hui des détails supplémentaires sur l’apparition d’un objet volant non identifie a Voronej (Russie centrale). Selon le journal, cela s’est passe dans la chaude soirée du 27 septembre. Les écoliers Vassia Sourine, Jenia Blinov et Youlia Cholokhova jouaient au football dans le parc municipal où il y avait beaucoup de monde. Non loin de là, plusieurs dizaines de personnes attendaient l’autobus. A six heures et demie, les enfants ont subitement remarqué dans le ciel une lumière rose et ensuite une boule bordeaux d’environ dix mètres de diamètre. Après avoir fait quelques tours, la sphère a disparu mais elle est revenue quelques minutes après pour s’immobiliser au-dessus du parc. Une trappe s’est ouverte dans la partie inférieure de la boule. La foule, déjà très nombreuse, a vu un être d’une taille de trois mètres environ, à trois yeux, en combinaison argentée, bottes de couleur bronze et avec un disque sur la poitrine.
Après avoir examiné le terrain, le « visiteur » a fermé la trappe, et la sphère a atterri, lit-on dans l’article. Deux êtres en sont descendus, dont l’un était sans doute un robot. Le premier a prononcé quelque chose, après quoi un triangle lumineux de 30 centimètres sur 50 s’est montré pour quelques instants sur le sol. L’extraterrestre a touché la poitrine du robot qui s’est mis à marcher.
A ce moment, un des gamins a crié de peur. Le « visiteur » a jeté sur lui un regard lumineux: le garçon ne pouvait plus bouger. Alors, toute la foule a crié. La sphère s’est envolée avec les passagers. On la vit de nouveau cinq minutes après. Cette fois, l’être à trois yeux avait sur le côté un tube d’un demi-mètre de longueur. Il l’a pointé sur un adolescent de seize ans: celui-ci a disparu et n’a reparu que lorsque l’appareil et l’extraterrestre se sont envolés définitivement.
Commentant ces informations, le correspondant permanent de Sovetskaya Koultoura à Voronej note qu’il est difficile de les expliquer. Mais, à son avis, quelque chose s’est vraiment passé. Le récit cité ci-dessus reproduit les témoignages de plusieurs personnes. Les résidents de la rue Poutiline ont plus d’une fois observé l’apparition d’ovnis entre les 23 et 29 septembre. Des miliciens et des journalistes ont interrogé les témoins: pas de divergence dans la description de la sphère et des actions des extraterrestres. En plus, tous les enfants qui ont assisté au phénomène éprouvent toujours de la peur.
La section locale pour l’étude des anomalies naturelles, qui regroupe des spécialistes de physique et de biologie, enquête sur ce phénomène, annonce le journal.



Extraits du livre russe consacré au cas Voronezh
(F. Kiselev, Yu Lazarev, V. Martynov, A. Mosolov, G. Silanes « UFO in Voronezh », Voronezh, 1990)
(traduction anglaise à vérifier)
Over the years of study of the UFO phenomenon, we are not only convinced of his reality, but to some extent even accustomed to any kind of non-trivial situations, cases that do not fit into the framework of ordinary everyday logic.Multiple interviews with witnesses, research of several landings of unidentified objects, two of the Pamir expedition of the Voronezh and, learn about little-known to the General reader documents, literature on anomalous phenomena, participation in scientific conferences – all this has allowed our group to gain some experience and make enough sober attitude to the UFO phenomenon. However, autumn, 1989, the events in our native Voronezh even us initially stumped – too seemed incredible incident.
« Football with aliens »
The so-called small newspaper publication, who played the role of detonator in the explosive spread sensation, first in regional and later in global scale. His appearance it owes to Alexander Mosolov. He will begin a story about the events that are included (there’s no doubt) in the history of the study of UFOs called « Voronezh phenomenon »: »It all started with the fact that on 30 September, on the tenth day of his next leave, I met with the witnesses of unusual incidents. And once it became clear that remaining until going to work twenty days is clearly not enough to understand the event thoroughly.Witnesses were several children, pupils of 5-7 grades. Get to know them helped the mother of one of their school mates.The first narrator was Vasya Surin, a fifth grader 82nd Voronezh school. One September evening he and several teammates watched in the Park near his home landing unusual object in the shape of a ball and from the strange creatures. One of them was tall, in silver coveralls, three-eyed, had told the boy, the second « robot », whose « three-eyed » turned on, pressing some buttons on his chest.Present at our conversation, the mother Vasey added that she believed the son, but a few days after he first spoke about the aliens, she and neighbors saw flying over their house and Park, an unusual object which shone a reddish light.As he talked – it was dark, but the guys agreed to go to the Park and show « that » place after the incident, they have repeatedly come to see the tracks left by the aliens.We crossed the Park on an asphalt path and on the edge stopped at a slightly tilted pyramidal poplar. According to the pupils, he was hit by a mysterious balloon during landing. Three meters from the trunk of a poplar team has shown: « Here, look! » In the Park it was already dark and this area is only slightly covered by distant lights. Leaning in, I saw a dent like this place is slammed into the ground some hemisphere with a diameter of about six inches. Metres a found another similar mark. And the guys name is already in another place: « come, Come! Look what we got here with the grass! »Fifty meters from poplar small lawn. Cant touch the grass. To look and feel like it firmed something. « Here the ball was flying very low, below the trees, probably wanted to land, even some ground from the bottom was released, as a prop, » the continuing story of the boys.Look at the clock: nearly nine in the evening, as it is inconvenient longer you guys delay, although they are with their parents. Agree on a new meeting and say goodbye.Go from the Park to the side of a twelve-story house, about two hundred yards from poplar, trying to perform heard. Bob said that at the moment of appearance of the globe to this place came forty people. So, among them should be residents of « dvenadtsatietazhnom ».We approach the entrance, around him are six people: both children and adults. Asked whether they had seen the day before anything unusual? Immediately responds the boy of fourteen: « I saw! Yesterday a ball, elongated like this, flying from the power plant. The rumble from him was strong, and the lights flickered multicolored, a lot of them it was around the edges. » A woman of about forty with a dog interested into the conversation: « Here a few days ago, some running around in the Park. There are mostly kids playing. They all made a noise something like what aliens fly ».Go with the kid on back to the Park. He shows the hand trajectory: « he is flying ».– And then what?– Flew past the house and disappeared behind the roofs.Begin to think that this is different. « Yesterday » is the twenty-ninth of September. And about the landing of the question. There is a lack of confidence – but not too often?Thanking the boy, go to the tram stop. On the go trying to make sense of information. All the guys say confidently, emotionally. Eyes stare straight, with anxiety and hope – will find it understanding? Eyes, as they say, the mirror of the soul. It happens that the children conspire to play a prank on somebody, so do yourself and give to sprinkle with laughter, wink. Here is another.In the next two days to gather our group could not: the weekend and home phones only two, and those was not at home. In order not to lose time, went to the editorial « Commune » to Oleg Stolyarov – one of the journalists interested in the UFO problem. Asked him to give a note about the incident and specify the address of our section, to respond to adult witnesses. Moreover, do not expect a quick publication, I didn’t even text, gave Oleg his drafts – the records that made the stories guys.The section managed to come together in the morning of Oct. « Municipality » has surpassed all expectations – on the same day there appeared an article « Football with aliens ». This the now « historic », the material is worth to give it unabridged: »Vasya Surin, Zhenya Blinov and learn: one in the school № 82, the other at school No. 33 of the left Bank. Put them together an incredible event. These guys and Julia Sholokhov, and another man of forty adults who were 27 of September witnessed the landing of a UFO in the Park, in the area of the stopping areas « Mashmet ». And it was so.The guys in the Park playing football. The day wore on. At half-past six the boys saw in the sky a pink glow and then a ball of red-Burgundy color. A ball with a diameter of about 10 meters circled at a height of 12 meters from the ground, and it was seen as hurting underneath the grass. Soon the balloon flew away.In a few minutes the UFO returned, hovered over the Park. By this time the adults came. At the bottom of the globe opened the hatch, there was a creature about three meters tall in silvery overalls and « boots » bronze color, with a kind of disk on the chest and with three eyes.The creature, after examining the terrain, slammed the hatch, and the ball began to fall, hitting a poplar, which has remained tilted.The UFO landed. Again threw the hatch. There were two – one apparently a robot. Alien something said on earth there was a glowing rectangle of size 30×50 inches, again the stranger said something.Glowing rectangle disappeared. The alien poked at the chest of the robot, and he went, as mechanical.At this time one of the boys screamed in fear. The stranger looked at him, and the boy froze, could not move. Eyes of a stranger while was shining. Cried already all who observed this phenomenon. The ball and the creature disappeared.Five minutes later reappeared ball and « three-eyed ». On one side he hung a « pistol » – a tube half a meter in length. Next was a teenager about sixteen. The stranger sent him the pistol and the guy disappeared. The alien entered the ball, and he, gathering speed, flew away. Immediately appeared and disappeared teenager…This story about the UFO landing recorded according to the testimony of several witnesses. You may want to add that the residents of Putilin street watched more than once the appearance of UFOs in the period from 23 to 29 September. This burst of activity ufologists call « flyap », which is usually associated with UFO landing ».
In South Park
Continues the story Silanes G. M. – head of laboratory of spectral analysis Voronezh geological-geophysical expedition. Conducted by our band instrument studies, laboratory analyses, and data processing on a computer – this is the most time consuming and technically difficult work always fell on him. So it was with the early days of our investigation of events in South Park. »The morning of the third of October, after collecting everything I needed, I went to the meeting place of our group to the Palace. Kirov. All were already assembled.Sasha Mosolov handed the latest issue of the regional newspaper, still smelling of ink: « Read? Take this, here is the article « Football with aliens ». I already knew about it in the newspaper, so that is not looking put it in the bag. No one was yet aware that this section starts very hard work for many months deprived us of sleep and rest.Park was met with silence, muted colors began in the fall.Stopped on the outskirts of the Park, got our gear simple. Fedor Kiselev prepares the camera to record on tape, and how it will behave with dowsing frame in my hand. From Mosolov guys already know where our place but not telling me. I should have information only about the subject of the search, any other data is « information noise », making it difficult.Vyacheslav Martynov indicates the approximate direction. Now the main thing – to concentrate, to mentally create an image of the object permanently in control of your feelings. I pass a few tens of meters – the frame is frozen in hand, no sign of the anomalous zone. Do a few more steps, and suddenly… a Familiar impulse, its beyond words. It occurs somewhere very far away, into unknown recesses of the brain, it is felt very clearly and already know: just about now.The frame « alive », makes one lazy, another turn and begins to rotate in the hand with increasing speed.Notice the corner of my eye place – the beginning of the anomalous zone, and he continues to go with a rotating frame as long as it does not stop. I turn around to the first mark about ten meters. The guys nod. Could be considered the experiment a success.Determine the center of the zone. I pass through this center another profile perpendicular to the first.Make a plan of the site, measuring tape measure the distance, every meter do on the ground level.And again I’m holding dowsing frame. Now for me relentlessly follow Sasha Mosolov and Thank Martynov, count the number of turns, make notes in notebooks.Repeat the entire procedure several times to verify stability of the « testimony » of the frame and calculate to reduce the possible errors of the arithmetic means.So the search is conducted. I must say that in our time – the century of electronics and scientific-technical progress « piece of wire », which is dowsing frame, have many causes only an ironic smile. And yet (it is my deep conviction, based on years of experience) dowsing is a fairly reliable method for the detection of anomalous zones related to the UFO landing.Yuri Lotazepam begin to examine inch by inch the landing of a mysterious object. It is located directly under a poplar with a slanted top. Some of the witnesses told me that prizemleniya ball even touched this poplar, fell first to the top and bent it, and then, slightly shifted, fell next to the tree.On the ground are clearly visible indentations with a diameter of fifteen inches and a depth of a little more than five inches. Working version: this is the traces from the supports prizemlilsya devices. The prints form a diamond-shaped figure, the tops of which a few traces near.Directly below the poplar is one of the pillars, leaning against a thick tree root, fell away from him and left on the crust of a deep ragged trail. While this is, of course, only an assumption.Confused by the number of prints. Their suspicious lot – ten. And that all from support? Delayed emotions aside, takes a folding ruler, a tape measure, measure the distance between the traces, plotted the scheme of its location.The value of « rhombus » in the long axis slightly less than 4 m. In the vertices at the two prints, the distance between them is 60 cm. « If to assume that this place fell twice the same object, then, it’s like something emerges, » says Lazarev.But how do these dents on the side that do not fit in a rhombus? Left the other object? Or he had not four, but five pillars? Solid puzzle.Carefully searched every fallen leaf. Eyes pause on a small cavity near one of the tracks. What is this rat hole? But why is she going vertically? Pay attention to the wall of the hole. They are absolutely straight, as if compacted. But this is well! Diameter – two and a half centimeters. Unscrewing the tube from the magnetometer sensor, carefully lower it into the hole. The tube comes almost completely, depth 38 seeAround the wellhead emissions of the earth or rock is not visible, it means that the drilling itself was not, the sampler was used.Trying to put pressure on the tube where you measured the depth. The impression is like the bottom of something springy, elastic. Clearly feeling some resistance, promote up another couple of inches deep, then pull out. In the hole crammed with a conventional quartz grey sand. Why it seemed to me that there’s something springy?Select through the meter over the entire area and in places prints a sample of the soil or vegetation to hold in my laboratory spectral analysis. Take background samples at a distance of several tens of meters from the « zone ».On turn magnetic survey. Take out of the bag already visited with me in the expedition of MMP-203 proton magnetometer. But he refuses to « testify » on the display unit and then popping up zeros. Although it can be explained. Because we are located in the industrial area of the city, where very high magnetic gradient. A few meters behind the bushes are seen hatches of heating, somewhere near underground high voltage electrical cable, close to the tram line. The field strength is constantly changing, the device time to recalculate these changes and throws the score is « zero ».However, I’ll tell you what let us down in this place, not only devices. One of the guys (I think it was Eugene Blinov) « cleared » of electronic watch, and my « electronics » on which it was possible to verify the precise time signals, after ten hours of work in the Park « went » forward in fifteen minutes. For some, it may be, and not an argument, for me, is undeniable.Losiev and Mosolov went to the 33rd school for witnesses (it is located nearby, outside the Park). Have otbrosili of school boys, whose names were known, decided to look among the students of other possible witnesses.Standing in the hallway, students learn what it is, willingly, to help: « in our class two seen! We have 7″g », too! Now for them escaping! » Most of the witnesses-the children approached timidly, embarrassed. In the eyes of the same troubling question: how serious they will listen? Gained fifteen.From the very beginning it was clear that he saw guys not one and the same. Called different date and time, and the content of the stories varies. Especially not like a conspiracy. They agreed in advance – just kept saying the same thing. Witnesses took the Glory Martynov and Fedor Kiselev. Handed out slips of paper and threw the guys in different directions so they, independently from each other, tried to draw it.We now turn to study the second landing site indicated by the witnesses. It is located about 50 metres from poplar witnessing incredible events. This is a plot with green grass, sometimes counterclockwise. Contrast with depressions in the ground, three of them. Depth more than about poplar, about 8 cm, round shape, diameter 15 see the Grains of sand in the holes milled. It can be assumed that in this place something were turned, turning the sand into dust and spinning the grass.Told the guys that landed here a disk with a glowing « platform » underneath, below which, in turn, viewed something similar to « wheels ». When the disc flew, « platform » remained in place. Then it is on the eyes of the children « melted ».Again taken up dowsing rods – the landing zone is clearly recorded them. The diameter of the active zone, like poplar trees, about 10 m.In any case, trying to find traces of drilling – they are not. Selected samples of soil and grass and move to a new place. »Landing No. 3″, as we refer to it officially in their records, by their appearance is very similar to the second. And it repeats the same process: dowsing, sampling…It was dusk when we left the Park. In the bag, noticeably swollen bags of samples I took is somewhat unusual, rounded shape of the samples, selected on the third place of « landing ». That night I could not assume that this unprepossessing in appearance to the pellets in a few days will be destined twice to become a major trump card in the unfolding world sensation: the first time – as proof of a visit to the Voronezh representatives of an alien civilization, and the second is in the form of « evidence » that refutes this fact. But more on that later.
« It is impossible »
Academic Secretary of our section of F. A. Kiselev, a journalist by profession. All the resulting section information – drawings, photographs, magnetic tape and videotape – all of it focused on him. Any of my colleagues Kiseleva for the preparation of a sensational newspaper article would be enough for the tenth part of this material. In the first month of our investigation, he did not write a single line. »The first day of our investigation, October 3, I came back home late at night.First, late in the Park, and then in the apartments of the surrounding houses I rented a video camera work colleagues in the section, recording the stories of witnesses. And the more of them passed in front of the camera, the weirder and more improbable it seemed the whole story. For 10 years, first Amateur and then professional interest in the UFO problem, I have not had to deal with such fantastic, if not unreal, picture – neither in the literature nor in reality. What did it was not!The stories of eyewitnesses one would conclude that on this unremarkable edge of the Park in one week five or six times in a row landed unidentified flying objects different designs out of them aliens, robots, « shadows », « TV legs », and God knows who, and all this was accompanied by not only an almost complete set known in the UFO phenomena, ranging from paralysis of witnesses and ending with the holographic picture, but absolutely incredible details like a third eye in the three-meter alien. The events took place not only at night but also in broad daylight. Moreover, it became clear that another egg-shaped object landed in a Park on a vacant lot cluttered, and there is also « spun » a suspicious « man. » And witnesses in all cases – this cute contemporary kids, almost entirely classmates or neighbors. Immediately believe all of them is to get a referral to a psychiatrist. The past day seemed ridiculous drawing, in which I and my companions unwittingly in the role of the main actors and performers.Those were my first impressions that day, although I have no doubt at least some children saw something. But what?In the morning I inserted the tape into the VCR, turned on the TV. Thought that’s on TV right now – it’s not a peephole camera – a close-up will give liars and dreamers, all will become clear.Appeared footage captured on the eve of a Park, a vacant lot between it and standing nearby, a twelve-story house, a children’s garden behind the white brick fence. Here comes Henry M. with dowsing rods in hand, is nearing its poplars. Frame is really a « she » starts to rotate. But this does not prove anything under the earth can be any communication. Here Lazarev puts aside the devices after several failed attempts to make measurements. Finally, in the frame of the witnesses.This boy seems to be called Volodya, – I have remembered. Exactly Vova Startsev. Tells what he saw on the body of the object something similar to the Russian letter « Zh », kind of design. And the aliens climbed a tree! Do not say anything, smart guy, with imagination. Such words will not climb. Although is it only a fantasy thing? After all, the photograph of a UFO with this sign on Board – the Russian letter « Zh » in its strict graphic image, met in the foreign UFO literature, in the works of Jacques Vallee. However, Valle argued that the photograph is a falsification, but that’s another « side ». The elders of anything like this can not know. Coincidence? Or…And I began to look carefully at the screen, the faces of the children.VCR « cheat » one hour, two, three… I was seized with bewilderment. On the one hand, too many events, too many UFOs. Who of the narrators writes? Those who speak of a high three-eyed aliens? Such characters are not met in any of the known stories, there are none in the most comprehensive directory of Argentine Pereira, which contains a variety of observed data about the pilots of UFOs. But other details, which are remembered the children – for example, a UFO landing on the trajectory of the falling sheet of their drawings – like the guys seen in documentary photography, it’s all from? After all, foreign « Saga » or « UFO » we have not been issued.I tried and could not detect any obvious penalties, issuing at least one of the narrators, false intonations, shyly hiding his eyes.The view was joined by his wife confidently said, « These guys don’t lie. » To her opinion, professional feeling in such a sensitive case should have taken more than 20 years, she works with children and the General view, the psychologist is excellent.And yet… No, to believe in, all I heard from the guys it was simply impossible. One thing remained: to seek adult witnesses. And I was hoping that at least something will be clear in the analyses that had to do G. Salanova.
The official position
After the first newspaper articles about events in South Park we invited the Chairman of the Executive Committee V. G. Atlases. The meeting took place on 9 October at his office.Acquainted with our information, and reviewing the part captured videotapes, Victor G. asked: « how can we help? »Help required.The next day in the Park was attended by representatives of sanitary-epidemiological service and civil defence. The first radiometric measurements was concerned about: the location of the proposed drilling and in one of the pillars of traces of radioactivity two times background.A few days during a TV meeting with Voronezh citizens to the question: « what do you think about UFO reports and what to tell the students? » – the mayor replied: « I personally, as a father, I see that children are not fooled… For a more complete study of this case to work, in addition to sections of anomalous phenomena, has joined a group of scientists from Voronezh. I hope that they will be able to dot the « i », if at all, these points can be put ».The municipal Commission, which was to dot the « i », includes the best scientific forces in the city. But it turned out that none of them had ever engaged in the study of such phenomena. In the first stage to work connected G. M. Salanova. He was a little discouraged when the science Department of the regional party Committee sent him the car and said that he was waiting in the office of the rector of the Voronezh state University.Celanova had to read a report about anomalous phenomena and specific manifestations of the phenomenon in Voronezh. He also talked about the plans for our group and the work that has already been done.In an hour the Commission went to South Park. Various plots were selected samples of soil and vegetation measured gamma background radiation in the microwave range. Doctors tested the mental state of children, raising all of their medical records, talked with local doctors and by the witnesses.It was found that under poplar in some parts light up photographic plates – in one of the traces of pillars and wells.Sent a request to the aviators. »To your inquiry about UFOs answer: in the period from 02.09.89 for 30.09.89 year at the airport of existing radio devices and radar of unidentified flying objects within a radius of 200 km were observed ».This certificate, signed by the acting commander of the Voronezh aviation division B. A. Chobur. However, all perfectly understood that the locators could « not take » UFO. Because the radar operate in a certain frequency spectrum. If the objects were transparent to this radiation, the apparatus to be noted simply could not.Gathering information these days engaged in and the left Bank the police Department, however, and it was clear from the outset, police protocols in all good faith, even passion of their drafters could hardly be useful to explain such trivial incidents.About what the conclusions of University scientists, we found out two months later, when our own investigation of events in South Park has been completed. With the head of the Commission, Vice-rector of Voronezh state University on educational work associate Professor I. S. Surovtsev, we met in the Studio during the video transmission « UFO over Voronezh ». This two-hour program attracted huge interest of the audience and their requests were repeated. But let’s not rush things, to talk about conclusions at this point of our story, we’re not ready yet.
Examples of « extraterrestrial » origin
On the morning of 4 October in the laboratory of spectral analysis to G. Salanova was the correspondent of « Commune » O. Stolyarov, he was preparing another article for the newspaper. In the past, a geologist who knows a lot about Mineralogy, Oleg Benediktovitch also interested in an unusual brownish-red pebbles, which on the eve brought from the Park Genrikh Mikhailovich.The initial assumption is that their color samples are bound to iron hydroxides was not confirmed: the reaction for iron was negative. Under the microscope viewed this kind of obviously man-made structure with inclusions of rounded grains of natural quartz. In short, the samples were definitely interesting and had to investigate.On Saturday 7 October came the next room « Commune » O. Stolyarova, « What was it? ». Informing readers about the ongoing investigation, he reported about the latest discovery.On the morning of 10 October, on national television in the program « 120 minutes » leading read information TASS on landing in Voronezh UFO. This information, written, apparently, on the basis of reports of the Voronezh Newspapers, unusual samples found were interpreted rather peculiar – as evidence of their extraterrestrial origin. Moreover, the authorship of this conclusion was attributed to G. Salanova. By this time in the laboratory of Henry Mikhailovich has already done a spectral analysis. Everything was very simple. Judging by the set of elements (a high content of lead and zinc), the sample was a common paint – minium, when something, obviously shed in this place and eventually dried to the hardness of the stone. It is not surprising that immediately failed to recognize what it is.In an interview broadcast on 11 October at the Voronezh television, Silanes told about the results and cautioned journalists against rapid publications. But it was too late. Information about « extraterrestrial » origin of the finds have gone to walk in the light. The real boom started and Silanes turned out to be in its midst.The very next day after the appearance of TASS in South Park began to « parachute » journalists – representatives of first Central and then the foreign press. Some of them like N. Efremov from the Literary Gazette, in a few hours time throughout the study in their publications ridiculed the « so-called ufologists », behind which all the witnesses just do that carefully wink.The same Central television, first announced information TASS, the other day in haste to disown it: « the Sensation was not held. »Even from far away from Voronezh England came a voice unknown to us Mr. Philip Mantle, whose opinion feel the need to report « news »: « collect materials about them (UFOs) for ten years, but all previously known cases the current does not fit ».Mr. mantle did not reveal the truth, we knew that there are cases « do not fit ». But who could answer the question: what was it?Suddenly it became clear that at the time the phenomenon is not restricted to the last week of September: the event started much earlier, moreover, they continued!Newspapers were paralyzed with phone calls. Our section is also flooded with new messages about seeing UFOs. This would be like the General madness, if not for the facts.The second of October a mysterious spherical object and its pilot was seen on the outskirts of the city to stop the train « Mashmet ».The evening of October 11 – at a time when Central television were « exposing » a story about the events in South Park, hundreds, if not thousands, of Voronezh was not looking at the TV screens, and on… a real UFO at a low altitude flew over the city, hovered, disappeared from sight to appear then in another place.It was a very strange coincidence.Fedor Kiselev decided to find out what happened (and did) in September in other regions of the country. Contacted by phone with fellow ufologists from other cities. It turned out that reports of the observation of unidentified flying objects was from Siberia to the Baltic States. And, in some cases, it was observed a striking coincidence with the Voronezh events.Thus, the representatives of Tallinn and Leningrad committees investigated the case of the UFO landing on the road a few dozen kilometers from Tallinn. The driver of the milk truck, which blocked the path of the object, resembling a barrel with rounded top, was in shock from the meeting with the alien sketch… which turned out to be an exact copy of the description of the alien as I saw it the Voronezh schoolboy Zhenya Blinov. Another coincidence – on the appearance of the UFO and its pilots at an Alpine lake Sevan in Armenia the adults, as in Voronezh, I learned from children. It also turned out that the UFO seen in the Manturovsky district, Kursk region – just over 100 kilometers from Voronezh.Okonchatelno « right » information we received from who arrived in Voronezh Spanish journalist Miguel Bas. Of particular interest to Voronezh, he explained that even before the birth of TASS in Spain, near Cadiz, had seen a UFO and its pilots, very similar to the « Voronezh » high, three-eyed. « However, – said bass – the third « eye » was the eye in the usual sense of the word, it was more of a reddish appendage that could turn in different directions ». And although the Bass did not guarantee the reliability of information (according to him, he learned about the event in Cadiz from colleagues and from Spanish Newspapers), his story was like a bolt from the blue. Third eye – spinning process of the reddish color! But the mysterious visitors South Park « three-eyed » was only on the pages of Newspapers, for convenience of explanation to readers. In fact, the stories of the children-witnesses, the alien « …was the bulge of the arms and three eyes: two on the sides, and the third a little higher and turned it upside-down, right-left » is from the story of V. Surin. V. the Elders: « And the third eye he had some kind of red and kind of like a fishnet ». « He had two eyes and a red light on his forehead » – this is the words of E. Blinova. Anything, but to compose is simultaneously and independently from each other the inhabitants of the Spanish Cadiz and Voronezh schoolchildren could not!The children told the truth, and what they saw was reality compared to the opening samples of « extraterrestrial » origin, even if they actually were, seemed a mere trifle.
Ф. Киселев, Ю. Лозоцев, В. Мартынов, А. Мосолов, Г. Силанов « НЛО в Воронеже »; Воронеж, 1990

